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2024 Annual Report
We remodeled the choir loft and installed a new-to-us Baldwin baby grand piano (acquired in 2023). Bethlehem reluctantly bid "farewell and Godspeed" to William in May while returning to Nelson Park in July. We welcomed Jonathan Bell as our new music director, and we participated in God's Work, Our Hands Sunday to kick off the new program year. A record thank offering Sunday narrowed the gap on a projected deficit, and "The Gift I"ll Give" Christmas program didn't disappoint. For all of those details and more, check out the full report here.
2023 Annual Report
Bethlehem completed a 20 year service of its tracker organ. We sold pie by the slice to 70,000 cyclists and welcomed Rachel Kurtz for Christmas at Bethlehem. The golf outing returned in 2023 and we started playing bingo in the church basement. Thanks to a generous Thank Offering Sunday, BLC exceeded its 2023 financial projections, and the resulting surplus was earmarked for future faith formation efforts. It was another year of generous provision, and you'll find the full report here.
2022 Annual Report
These annual reviews are a reciept of sorts... marking another year in Christ together. In 2022, the people of Bethlehem served. We taught, ate, and learned. We
stewarded some things too. Though there were a number of unexpected projects in 2022, BLC navigated these decisions with an emphasis on the long view (and generations yet to come). You'll find that story here.
2021 Annual Report
BLC continued to livestream and socially distance in 2021, resuming a return to in-person services on May 9th (Mother's Day). Led by the Spirit, we welcomed some new members and hosted an "Open House" event - even as the pandemic continued to harass a return to "normal." BLC met its annual budget for the year (which is a rare achievement in any year). 2021 was a year of amazing grace and provision, and you'll find the full story here.
2020 Annual Report
2020 was a year like none other, and a wilderness time. We ended our in-person gatherings on March 15th. The following week, we were livestreaming Sunday services. With God's help, we completed our R&R 2.0 updates as planned. We even persevered through an inland hurricane. Through 2020's empty places, the year proved full of God's provision. That story is here.
2019 Annual Report
Pastor Nat's first full year at Bethlehem. We rebooted the Banqueting Table meal and launched a few new events like the annual Golf Outing and Christmas at Bethlehem. Thanks to the generosity of many undesignated memorial gifts, the chuch offices and Gathering Room were remodeled and updated. "God is up to something at BLC." More on that story here.
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